This is a website for an assignment and only for learning purposes.
Student Id: 200564426
Developed by: Marcos Oliveira Mota
Created on: 2024-02-09
Assignment detail: COMP 1002 Assignment 1
Contact: [email protected]
Thanks to the creators of the following images:
- Pizza icons created by Flat Icons - Flaticon
- Photo by Vit Ch on Unsplash
- Pepperoni icons created by Flat Icons - Flaticon
- Mushrooms icons created by Mihimihi - Flaticon
- Onion icons created by AngDiz - Flaticon
- Take out icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
- Delivery icons created by Vectors Market - Flaticon
- Eating icons created by max.icons - Flaticon
- Pizza icons created by IconsNova - Flaticon
- Pizza icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
- Pizza icons created by BZZRINCANTATION - Flaticon